Holmquist + Gardiner

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Webinar: Boundary Line Disputes – Legal and Title Considerations

Holmquist & Gardiner, PLLC’s monthly webinar continues! For this month, we will feature our very own, Associate Attorney, Sydney Safley, and guest speaker, Commercial Counsel of Chicago Title, Kathleen Sirianni. Both are experienced in the field of legal and title considerations.

Join us to learn more about boundary line issues, how to identify the same, and resolve the issue potentially before purchase or once you already own.

Our presenters will cover the following topics:

  • Essential facts for successful adverse possession

  • Legally resolving adverse possession claims or other boundary disputes

  • Key issues with adverse possession and title

  • How boundary line resolutions, such as easements, can impact title

This webinar will be helpful to decision-makers and advisors in property management, business strategy, finance, and accounting.

Join us for a fast-paced session serving up the information you need to avoid pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities.

Click here to register